News 2016

new years eve communion

Murphysboro, IL / December 5, 2016 – Berean Christian Church in Murphysboro will continue its tradition of being open on New Year's Eve to offer those in the community a time for personal reflection and communion. The church is located at 16th Street and Illinois Avenue.

Troy Humphrey, minister at Berean, said the church doors will be open from 3 to 6 p.m. Lights will be lowered, and communion will be in place at the front of the auditorium.

Click here for more information. 

berean to host candlelight service

Murphysboro, IL / November 17, 2016 - Berean Christian Church in Murphysboro will be hosting the annual Candlelight Service on Saturday December 24, with service starting at 10:00 PM. The Candlelight Service has be a yearly tradition at Berean since its founding. Pastor Troy Humphrey will be focusing our attention on the true meaning of Christmas with a short sermon. There is a time for quiet reflection during the singing of traditional carols and communion will be offered.

Read the whole story here: 

new bus to help in berean ministry

Berean Christian Church has raised the funds and have purchased a bus to help out with the ministry of the church. The goal of Berean Christian Church is to connect with God each, other and the community and in several ways the new bus does just that. 

It helps connect people to God as it will be used to transport people to and from church events including Sunday Connect and the Sunday service. It will connect Berean with the community by providing transportation for school children through the BASH after school program and help with community transportation needs. It will also help us connect with each other at Berean as relationships will developed as we travel for missions and ministry where ever that leads us. 

The bus project was headed up by the deacons at Berean. They raised the funds and did the research. Chris Grode led the effort and was assisted by Dan Mann, Lee Marks and Scott Ward. In addition to the deacons a big thank you goes to Mark Berger for his help in giving the bus a thorough check before the purchase was made.

The bus still has to get the logo and other designs  on the exterior but was ready for use during the last BASH of the school year. Also the bus is part of the Fresh Start program that continues to raise funds for new exterior doors and an upgraded kitchen. To be a part of the Fresh Start program ask for a brochure and pledge card at Berean. 


you can now donate online

The time has come for Berean to move into the current era when it comes to accepting tithes, offerings and other donations. Beginning immediately if you go to the "Giving" page on the Berean Connect website you will see a change. It now has a "Donate" button on the right hand side. The button is a link to PayPal, a secure and trusted electronic commerce (e-commerce) company that facilitates payments between parties through online funds transfers.

If you have a PayPal account it is as simple as filling out two blanks on a form. It asks for a description (tithe, offering, BASH or Margaret Russell Scholarship) and item price (amount you wish to contribute). Once you complete the form you need to log into your PayPal account to complete the transaction. 

If you do not have a PayPal account you can still donate through the donate button. It just takes filling in a few more blanks. 

This new way of accepting donations will accomplish several goals. First, it will allow members to tithe or to make donations to specific funds including Fresh Start, Margaret Russell Scholarship or BASH without writing checks or carrying cash. It will also be a way that those that are not attenders can also donate if they so choose. Lastly, it will be a convenient way to give. Too often we make it too difficult.

Keep in mind that this does not mean we will stop passing the plates at our Sunday service. It just means that we are giving more people a way to contribute to the growth of God's Kingdom. 


fresh start gets fresh start

At Berean our fresh start program got a real boost with a sizable donation at the end of 2015. An anonymous donation of $10,000 for purchase of a van was received. This amount will not be enough to purchase a van, but we must have faith that God will bless us and provide as we need and the need is definitely there.

Our youth mission is growing as evidenced by our Christmas program and New Years celebration for middle school age children. We currently have more children participating in the exciting things going on at Berean and we are reaching the children of our community in higher and higher numbers. The Berean After School Haven, better known as BASH is also increasing in popularity. On Wednesday nights it is not uncommon for over fifty children...Click here for the rest of the story!