Sermon Archives

Reach Ahead - The next generation
Reach All - Evangelism today at Berean
A Christmas Story  - The Final Chapter
A Christmas Story - Part Deux 
A Christmas Story  - The Beginning
Using Your Gifts - Prayer
Using Your Gifts - People
Using Your Gifts - Spiritual
Using Your Gifts - Money
The 3 M's of Life - MeaninglessX3
God of the Election Year 1 
Seeking Forgiveness
Big Hairy Audacious Goals
Forgiving Others
God of the Election Year 2
Digging  Your Well - Russ Ward
Can I Get a Witness 2- Jason Frederick
Can I Get A Witness 1 - Jason Frederick
Can You Trust the Bible? - Jason Frederick
How to Read the Bible - Jason Frederick 
We Are Family - One Church
Why We Meet - Better Together
Dangerous Prayer - Confidence
Dangerous Prayer - Search Me
Dangerous Prayers - Anorexic Prayers
Dangerous Prayer - Class Clown 
A Port in a Storm - Money Anxiety
A Port in the Storm - Work Anxiety
A Port in the Storm- Anxiety
A Port In A Storm - Family Anxiety
Core Values - Biblical Authority 
Welcoming Jason-Q&A You Can't Miss
Unbroken -Hope for Tomorrow
Core Values -Passionate Service
Unbroken - Help for Today
Unbroken - Healing for Yesterday
An Unbroken Community  Mission
An Unbroken Church - Dr. Gary Johnson
Special Mother's Day Sermon and Video
Easter Sermon - Doubters Welcome
Where Will You End Up?
Setting Priorities - What's Important?
Why Bad Things Happen to Good People
Hear - The Shema
Preparing Us for Service
2020 Vision
The Reality of Crucifixion
Can you Hear the Angels?
Christmas Who Needs It? 
Do You Trust God - Mary & Joseph
Jesus - Manger to I AM
The Magi Visit the King
The Tragedy of Judas
Know Your Identity
By Faith - Meaning
Pat Sullivan - Sermon in Song 
Its a Process - 123 Action
Its a Process 123 Observation
It is a Process - 123
The Servant Leader
The Hope We Have - Mitch Ward
Back to the Basics - John 3:16